grypescan ========= This script will download and install the latest version of grype, along with curl and mutt which it needs as well (if not alredy installed) By default it will search everything under / that is a *local* filesystem. If you want to scan a specific path (e.g. for mounted drives), add the path as an arg, e.g: grypescan /web It will then email the JSON files for anything it finds to Pete Bradley and root. Typical output: grypescan v0.3 [Mon Dec 20 13:38:31 GMT 2021] ============ [INFO] getting latest version of grype... anchore/grype info checking GitHub for latest tag anchore/grype info found version: 0.27.3 for v0.27.3/linux/amd64 anchore/grype info installed /usr/local/bin/grype [INFO] scanning local filesystems for war/jar files... [INFO] found war/jar in usr, running grype... ✔ Vulnerability DB [no update available] ✔ Indexed /usr ✔ Cataloged packages [1101 packages] ✔ Scanned image [1 vulnerabilities] Report written to "/tmp/grype.34210/" [INFO] mailing to & root... ---